
Life is a constant struggle, a battle. Hoping to find my place in the world, I created this blog as a way to make a name for myself.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


          This cross-country season, after a hard workout, the team was informed that our coach had passed away at his house while we were running. It was a devastating shock to our team, and we all miss him. My coach was an ex-navy seal, and knew a lot about life. Right before he left, he passed out a sheet about success. I read the sheet, and it is really a great guide to achieving success. This is what the sheet said:

True success is rare. It's tough to come by, and difficult to maintain. But here is a formula you can use to help your chances in any of life's endeavors.

1) Discover your passion. This is the easy part-but also the most important. Follow your heart. What do you enjoy doing? What are your interests? What are your goals?
2) Discover and map out EVERY step you will need to take to achieve excellence in this area. What do the real pros in this field do to reach the top of the mountain?
3) Be willing to work twice as hard as you think you will have to in order to achieve your goals. It probably will be.
4) Pick yourself up after the inevitable hiccups along the way.
5) Be tough.
6) Don't quit-unless you have honestly determined that by doing so, it serves the greater good for the greatest number of dynamics in your life.
7) Keep your eye on the goal. This is perhaps the most important factor in ultimately achieving your goal.
8) When you come to a fork in the road-take the way less traveled. Challenge yourself. It takes courage to be great. And then find the time to help someone else while you're on your way.
9) Realize that at the end of the day, the person whose face you see in the mirror will often be your harshest critic. So, don't forget to be your own best friend.
10) Make yourself proud. You can't change the past, but there is always the future. Make it a good one. It's entirely up to you! 

I hope this guide will help all of us achieve success, whether it be in the workplace or with our family. I have tried to use this guide in my life, and, while it is hard, I have achieved a little more than I would have.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tips on How to Avoid Social Awkwardness

          For quite some time, over five years, I have been socially awkward. I have been that person who would not show much interest or care in conversations. If someone gave me a hug, I would pretend to hug back, offending the other person. This year, my awkwardness was magnified in a party where I did not talk to hardly anyone. I was almost at the point of tears when I left, and I do not cry easily. Many people have commented about my awkwardness, and I would shrug it off like it was nothing. I got to a point where I didn't want to have out with people outside of school. My friend, whom I met in my freshman year, decided to write up some tips to avoid awkwardness. So, without her permission, I copy her tips. Some are painstakingly obvious, and others are questionable, but I hope the guide helps.

1) When someone greets you, look at them, smile, and greet them back.
This one is pretty straightforward, just use manners our moms taught us.

2) When someone gives you a hug, give one back.
I know I used to have a problem with this, but I tried to get over it, and know I have gotten better.

3) Do not show your awkwardness, ever.
Doing this will result in an awkward conversation, which you initiated, making you awkward.

4) Do not use too extreme academic vocabulary when having a casual conversation.
I did not realize I was doing this until it was pointed out. I used too big of words, words the average Joe would not understand. I realize now that contributed to my awkwardness.

5) Never admit to anything too personal that it can result in people thinking you are awkward and strange.
This basically says not to admit anything that people would find shocking or could gossip about.

6) Make guests at your house as comfortable as possible.
Without following this simple rule, a person could lose some friendships and become more awkward.

7) Keep a nice posture. Do not be ungraceful.
Try not to be clumsy and do not stumble around.

8) Participate in sports.
Straightforward, unless you have a valid excuse.

9) Do not randomly pause in a conversation.
Doing this will make the other person uncomfortable, making you awkward.

10) Be comfortable while in a group.
Do not look nervous or shy. A relaxed laugh shows you are not awkward.

         These are the tips she wrote up for me. I hope some of you will be able to use some of these tips to avoid awkwardness while hanging out with friends. 

Dissecting Quotes #4

         This is the fourth edition of the series "Dissecting Quotes", where I choose a quote and briefly describe what I think the quote means and how to apply it to our everyday lives. I hope the insight a high schooler can provide can help brighten a day or get you thinking.

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."  
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

         Life is a struggle. I have been alive for a short while compared to most, and while I have it easy, I can tell how hard life is. Sometimes the best way to learn is to make mistakes. Experimenting makes mistakes easier than any other way I know. In this quote, Emerson says, "All life is an experiment," which shows and proves the point that life is a learning process. The second part of the quote, however, explains the application of this quote, saying, "The more experiments you make the better." This, to me, sums it all up. With mistakes and failures, we can learn and not repeat what we have done before. Experimenting can be a good thing, if it is not misused or taken advantage of. We all should learn from this quote that we as humans are going to make mistakes, it is inevitable. The ones who succeed, however, are the ones who get right back up and learn.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dissecting Quotes #3

         This is the second edition of the series "Dissecting Quotes", where I choose a quote and briefly describe what I think the quote means and how to apply it to our everyday lives. I hope the insight a high schooler can provide can help brighten a day or get you thinking. 

"People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged
sooner or later to find time for illness."
-John Wanamaker

          Time is a precious thing. We do not think about time, but we are always under time's watchful eye. We can never escape the iron grip time has on our lives. In this quote, by John Wanamaker, he describes what happens to people who do not spare time from their lives to enjoy and have some fun. "People who cannot find time for recreation," means that people may make excuses about not having the time to do this, or to do that, but when they do not make that time, they may get mentally or physically ill. The second part, "...are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness," explains that people need recreation and fun, and without that crucial aspect of their life, they may become ill. The illness described here could be both mental or physical illness, or could just be talking about one type of illness. But aside from that discrepancy, illness is not a fun thing to have. This quote should speak to us, having us make time for doing the things we love. If we do not listen to our what our heart wants, we set ourselves up for illness, something no one wants.   

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dissecting Quotes #2

          This is the second edition of the series "Dissecting Quotes", where I choose a quote and briefly describe what I think the quote means and how to apply it to our everyday lives. I hope the insight a high schooler can provide can help brighten a day or get you thinking. 

    "Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary,
   great minds with the ordinary." - Blaise Pascal

          This quote, personally, is a good one. I like how it not only speaks the truth but also subtly gives instruction on how to develop a great mind. The first part says, "Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary," which, to me, speaks the truth. I know from my own experiences, I have wanted to change something, to make an amazing product, or develop an astonishing idea. It was here that I was concerned about extraordinary things, as the quote says. But as I became a high schooler, and even just in the past year, I have started to look at the smaller things, the hidden and concealed problems.
          As the second part of the quote says, "great minds with the ordinary," I have been trying to think outside the box, but not so far outside I cannot see the box. I am not trying to say I have a great mind, which I do not, but to possess a great mind, one has to work at developing it. It is here that I have been trying to work, working to stimulate my brain, and thus possibly achieve more than was originally possible. With this quote, I hope all of you can take away what I took away, not to be concerned with gigantic problems or ideas, but to focus on the small ones, the ones that will get us far.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Moral Decisons

          In society, citizens are at different stages of their lives. Noted psychologist,
Dr. Lawrence Kohlberg developed a scale to measure the stages of moral development. His
theory became popular when text book author Foigel wrote an article about him. Wrote in
1996, the article talks about the development of the scale used by Kohlberg. From stages
1-6, starting at one with selfish desires and ending at 6 with sacrifice. Rating citizens,
society can measure where individuals are at morally.

          The first stage, stage one, the individual is thinking only about themselves.
Called the "Me" stage, this stage is one young children are in. Punishment, however, does
help the child learn what is acceptable. The only decisions are decisions made based on what
is fun or desirable. The individuals in this stage act without thinking but do not like
punishment, so their decisions are based on punishment as well. They feel as if they must
obey to succeed. This stage is not a desirable stage to be in over the age of 5.
          The next stage, stage two, the individual is thinking about themselves and one other
person. Known also as the "Me + you" stage, the person is thinking about themselves and one
other person.This stage is defined by personal reward, thinking only about what is in it
for themselves. To them, there is no right or wrong and do not consider others points of view.
People in this stage are typically in the preschool age range.
          The third stage, also known as the "Me + family and friends" stage, is defined by the
individual wanting to please others.Typically having 5-12 year olds, the individuals want to
fit in, wanting to be a good boy or a good girl. Above all else, kids in this stage want to
be a part of a group, whether they rebel against their family or not. The persons in this
stage want to do good, but do not know what is right or wrong. The conscience of this person
makes wrong choices but is essentially moral. Because the individual does not know right from
wrong, this is not a desirable stage to be in.

Kholbergs Moral Decisions

          Stage four, the law and order stage, is known as the "Me + Society" stage. Humans in
this stage accept responsibility and show respect for authority. Individuals in this stage conform
to rules in society, hoping to become a good citizen. If an individual is in this stage, they
can be an adequate role model for others. A society needs at least 80% of citizens in this
stage to be successful.
          In stage five, known as the "Me + Welfare of others" stage, individuals look out for
the better good of others. People in this stage are willing to take risks and strive to benefit
society. They want to advocate change and are willing to work to make a difference. Individuals
use their talents and time wisely. A society should have 20% of citizens in this stage, people
who step up as leaders. This brings us to the final stage.
          Stage six, the final stage, is known as "Me + Sacrifice". This is when an individual
gives up comfort and safety to preserve human dignity. There are a very few of these people;
some examples include: Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Medal of Honor recipients and a few others. These
individuals are the people who are internationally famous and strive to change a major problem. 

          These stages reflect on who a person is, and where they are at morally. We are human because
we have an ability to reason, whether we use it or not. An individual cannot skip stages, and moves
up or down a stage when 60% or more of decisions reflect the other stage. What I want all of us
to think about is where are we at morally. Do our decisions reflect a 3 or a 5? Do we strive to
make morally correct decisions? What could we do to change?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dissecting Quotes #1

             This is the first edition of the series "Dissecting Quotes", where I choose a quote and briefly describe what I think the quote means and how to apply it to our everyday lives. I hope the insight a high schooler can provide can help brighten a day or get you thinking. 

"Believe you can, and you're halfway there."
- Theodore Roosevelt

             Personally, to me, Theodore Roosevelt said a lot of great quotes, ones that are easily applicable to lives. This one in particular speaks to me in an encouraging way. There has been many articles and books written on how being optimistic does more in achieving goals than anything else. Believing is the first step to achievement, because, if a person does not believe, they do not have a desire to achieve the goal, so they are less likely to even start pursuing the goal. In this quote, Roosevelt says that believing is half of the work, because, if an individual believes in themselves, the rest will be easier because they are motivated. This is a key step in reaching the goal or desire the person may have.

             Applying this quote to our lives could be easier than many of us may believe. The main point to take away from this quote is when we believe, anything is possible. Meaning, being pessimistic is not the best way to go about achieving a goal. Instead, the best way is to have a positive attitude and above all else, know you can.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Orgin of the word "Blog"

               Nowadays, people all over the globe talk about blogs, describe what they read in a blog, get excited over blogs and cry over blogs. But where did the term "blog" really come from, and when?

               In the mid 90's, 1997 to be exact, John Barger used the term "weblog" to describe an online log. Jokingly, Peter Merholz used the phrase "we blog" on the side of his blog, and soon after shortened to "blog". By 2000, the phrase blog described an online log an individual updated on a regular basis. Blogs fought their way into common conversation by growing at a extremely fast rate, peaking at 156 million public blogs. Those of us who use this word on a everyday basis never stop and think about how the word has only been around for 14 or so years. Much like YouTube and Facebook, Blogs have become a world-wide phenomenon; a platform where everyone from businessmen to cooks, from sports stars to medical geniuses, and from everyday people like us to senators and congressmen.

               I hope everyone of us, upon hearing the word "blog" would stop and think about when and how this phrase originated.

Monday, October 17, 2011


            Hello, my name is Andrew and this is my blog. I hope you like the interface, it is the most free, easiest to use program on the Web. First, a little bit about me. I was born and raised in Southern California, where I currently reside. I have two parents that love each other and three younger siblings. I like to run and I also have been playing baseball since I was four years old. I attend church regularly and am on my youth group's leadership board. I am a honors student at school, and strive to achieve the best I can. This blog is the result of an idea I have had for quite some time now, over a year. I decided today to go right ahead and start. The blog itself will never get to be that great, although I would like it to. Thanks for reading.