
Life is a constant struggle, a battle. Hoping to find my place in the world, I created this blog as a way to make a name for myself.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dissecting Quotes #1

             This is the first edition of the series "Dissecting Quotes", where I choose a quote and briefly describe what I think the quote means and how to apply it to our everyday lives. I hope the insight a high schooler can provide can help brighten a day or get you thinking. 

"Believe you can, and you're halfway there."
- Theodore Roosevelt

             Personally, to me, Theodore Roosevelt said a lot of great quotes, ones that are easily applicable to lives. This one in particular speaks to me in an encouraging way. There has been many articles and books written on how being optimistic does more in achieving goals than anything else. Believing is the first step to achievement, because, if a person does not believe, they do not have a desire to achieve the goal, so they are less likely to even start pursuing the goal. In this quote, Roosevelt says that believing is half of the work, because, if an individual believes in themselves, the rest will be easier because they are motivated. This is a key step in reaching the goal or desire the person may have.

             Applying this quote to our lives could be easier than many of us may believe. The main point to take away from this quote is when we believe, anything is possible. Meaning, being pessimistic is not the best way to go about achieving a goal. Instead, the best way is to have a positive attitude and above all else, know you can.

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