Back in 1895, a man by the name of George Hudson proposed the idea of setting the clocks forward for the summer time, giving more light to enjoy. While accepted by many, DST was not started in many countries, mainly ones that already receive a tremendous amount of sunlight. One of the other reasons DST was accepted was the lower cost of electricity in the summer days. While this sounds like a great savings, in reality, only four dollars a day is saved. However, over 400 billion is lost in the week following the jump to DST because of tired workers. This past time change, the time went from 01:59 to 1:00, adding one hour to the day. This helps those who need to catch up on sleep, but can be disastrous for those who set their clocks an hour ahead. Many different regions do not follow DST, such as Arizona and Hawaii. In Arizona, there is a region who does follow DST, which has a region inside that does not follow DST. This confusion can be explained in the picture below. The pink is non-daylight saving time zone, and the yellow is. As you can see, there are tiny pockets in regions who do not follow or do follow DST.
Arizona's Crazy Timezones |
While many of us may never really understand DST, I hope the short article above answered some questions. Even though every year the same thing happens, there are still people who cannot get used to a hour change. DST is a confusing concept, but if one really wanted to, they could master why and how DST works.
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