
Life is a constant struggle, a battle. Hoping to find my place in the world, I created this blog as a way to make a name for myself.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dissecting Quotes #6

         This is the sixth edition of the series "Dissecting Quotes", where I choose a quote and briefly describe what I think the quote means and how to apply it to our everyday lives. I hope the insight a high schooler can provide can help brighten a day or get you thinking.

"Beauty and folly are old companions."
-Benjamin Franklin
          Beauty could be classified as how a person looks. Or, it could be classified as how a person acts. Whatever it could be, beauty has been sought after for ages. Folly, I hope, has not been sought after, but with the search of beauty, many find folly. Folly is a foolish decision, a costly risk that ends with failure. Most people do not think about folly when they think about beauty, but sadly, both beauty and folly could be related. As Franklin said, beauty and folly being old companions means they are related. Beauty could lead to folly, contrary to the beliefs of most people. I want us to think about whether we are in search of beauty and to think if it could lead to folly.

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